New Website, New Blog Home

I’ll be deleting this blog soon.

Don’t worry, I’ve moved all these posts to the blog’s new home.

Already posted a new entry, be sure to check things out!

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10/18/2013 · 12:07 pm

Moving On…

This blog will be moving soon.

Stay tuned!

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Bury Oneself In

Thought I’d go through my personal book collection and select a few reads that just might get you in the mood for scares and all that other spooky type of stuff. friends know me so well… Perfume by Patrick Süskind was given to me as a birthday present. Who doesn’t love a story about a guy driven to murder in order to create the perfect scent?… Just me? Clearly not, it is a popular read. Don’t let that fool you, it is a bit on the bizarre side. Poor Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. He was born without the sense of smell. Really, what other choice does he have but murder? What else was there to do in France during the 18th century? Again, bizarre. It is hauntingly good. I know a lot of people say “Don’t see the movie” when talking about flicks based on books, but just don’t. Promise me you won’t see the movie. PROMISE ME!,204,203,200_.jpgThe Serpent & The Rainbow by Wade Davis was a gift from one of my dreaded exes… Awkward. Hey, at least I got a cool book out of the whole horrible ordeal… Moving on, I’d seen the movie and wasn’t eager to read the book. Honestly, the flick is just hard to sit through and I’d never voluntarily watch it again. If you’re a horror fan and I just broke your heart, sorry (not sorry). The book is all sorts of awesome. It is actually a study, but reads a lot like a work of fiction. Follow Mr. Davis, an ethnobotanist, as he investigates several cases of zombism (courtesy of a voodoo “zombie powder”) in Haiti. This is so much more than your typical zombie read. I could go into detail, but why not just read it for yourself? Maybe convince your significant other to buy it for you… What could possibly go wrong?

I’ve already gone on record stating that Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is my favorite book of all time. Might sound strange to some of you, but it’s always been my go-to when I’m feeling blue. Initially, I read this lovely piece of literature because it was written by a woman. Thanks, Mary! Okay, I’ll admit that this really isn’t in the horror genre. Those that haven’t read it but are familiar with the franchise would be quick to lump it in there. A guy struggles to create life from death and must deal with the consequences of his actions… Okay, there’s definitely horror potential, but sci-fi all the way! This is typically where I’d say something like “those in the mood for a creepy read should consider giving this a gander“, but why haven’t you read Frankenstein yet?! WHY? another one of those cases where I saw the film before reading Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Never heard of Låt den rätte komma (original Swedish title) before my sister from another mister, Sara, asked me to join her at the Angelika. Please don’t ever watch Let Me In (American version)… I feel no need to elaborate. If you have seen the original and you’re interested in reading the book, you’ll notice a few differences. Don’t let that deter you, it’s worth checking out. The focus is more on being alone in the world than about being a vamp (glitter-free). I loved getting to know these characters, some of which weren’t even featured in the movie. Finally, a book about vampires that I actually enjoy. How refreshing!

Another zombie book? Really, Terri?“… Is anyone really shocked? Yes, I’ve mentioned The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks before, but it is worth bringing up again. I’d originally picked this up in the humor section of my local bookstore (remember those?), but, to be perfectly honest, it’s really not all that funny. Not “haha” type of funny anyway. There’s a lot of practical information for several scenarios (zombies optional): which mode of transportation is best, what weapon should I go with, Han or Greedo… See? Something for everyone! Again, if you’re looking for a cheap laugh, look elsewhere. If you’re into the genre at all & haven’t read this, there’s nothing good about who you are or what you do… Kidding (I’m not kidding)! Seriously, it’s been out for years now! Follow it with The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks and/or World War Z (seeing it this Sunday & I have never low expectations).

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King

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Filed under Books, Horror, Nostalgia, Random

Do Re Mi Fa So La TeeDotally

Whether I’m singing or doing voiceover, warming up is important. Everyone has their way of doing it.

Personally, I’ve got a soft spot for my old choir & theater warm-ups:

“Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do” 

To sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big, black block”

As much as I love them, I can’t do these (and others like it) all the time. If I did, they would get stale.

That’s where “La La Lah” comes in. That’s the name of my warm-up playlist and I’m fully aware of how silly the name is. It’s an eclectic mix of 200+ songs.

Care to share some of your playlist, Terri?

… Hitting shuffle on “La La Lah” and…

#1 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) by Eurythmics is probably one of my favorite songs & it just happens to be a go-to when it comes to warming up. Why? Because it’s awesome, duh.

#2 Though I love many songs by Nancy Sinatra, I actually sang These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ for choir in junior high. Years later, I’m singing it solo before sessions.

#3 I heard Aloe Blacc perform I Need A Dollar when he was on Conan & I’ve been in love with his voice ever since. If you haven’t heard of him, you’re missing out.

#4 If Shoop by Salt-N-Pepa is on & you’re near me, prepare to witness something quite special… Or insane. Either way, I’ve been told it’s pretty entertaining.

#5 Pretty much anything on the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog soundtrack is “La La Lah” worthy. I Cannot Believe My Eyes allows me to play with different registers and that’s always fun.

Random, I know. That’s just the way I like it!

And don’t hate on my selections. If they’re not your cup of tea, don’t listen. Simple.

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09/27/2013 · 10:00 am

Glower Shots

Photos by Joshua Roberts

No new blog this week.

Enjoy another random photo courtesy of yours truly.

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09/20/2013 · 9:10 am

Recipe for Disaster

Turns out this food stuff is kind of important. Apparently you need it to live or something. Who knew (ah, sarcasm)?

PancakesIf only I could show food how much I cared for it by preparing awesome meals for my friends and family. I’m not that great when it comes to the whole cooking thing. Well… I’ve been told otherwise, but my confidence when it comes to my culinary skills is quite low. Not a complete novice in that place with the ingredients and the silverware and the uh…. KITCHEN! That’s it! I do know how to make a few dishes: enchiladas, spaghetti, guacamole, hummus… Yeah, most of the things I prepare are kind of on the easy side of things.

PepperPersonHonestly, I’m amazed by those that make delicious food and how effortless they make it all seem. One of those amazing individuals is my husband, Stephen. Now I know my opinion is biased, but his meals are downright stellar. It’s been brought up a few times on That Anime Show, but a dish worth mentioning is his white pizza (damn, now I want pizza). He makes everything from scratch, even the dough. It is so good, we’ve had more than a few friends invite themselves over when they know he’s making it. I’m actually intimidated to cook for him, he’s that good.

ThanksgivingCookI’ve learned so much from Stephen about cooking and food in general (the dangers of processed foods, organic vs GMO, etc). He’s a cook that cares about the components of his dishes and that’s something to admire. Fun fact: Stephen worked in several kitchen off & on for years before becoming a sound engineer. He’s used his knowledge to school me on a few things and help me become a better cook. Needless to say, I rarely step foot in the kitchen without the supervision of Mr. Hoff.

StephenCookingAlong with being a fantastic cook, my guy is wicked smart. That is not a biased opinion, it is fact. For the past year and a half, Stephen has been going to school at night and online to finish out his degree in Environmental Science (just a couple semesters left). Add that to working full-time and the guy has a pretty full plate. I’m so proud of him. As much as I love his cooking, I think its time for me to step up and get over my culinary insecurities (at least until he’s done with school)!

Wish I’d paid more attention in that one cooking class I took in high school. Best to start with recipes I’ve grown up with and others that I’ve watched Stephen execute. Once I’ve mastered those (or at the very least, succeeded in making them edible), I’ll move on to some of the more advanced dishes.

I can do this!

… Right?


Filed under Food, Random

AnimeFest 2013 Highlights

AnimeFest was my third convention of August (hooray for sleep deprivation). I’d been a guest in 2011 and was excited to be asked back. AFest is probably one of the bigger cons that I’ve gotten to go to and it just so happens to be in downtown Dallas (only minutes away from mi casa). Since my last visit, the con has changed quite a bit (venue change, more staffers/volunteers/programming, etc). Other guests included: Stephanie Young, Alexis Tipton, Greg Ayres, Amelie Belcher, Greg Wicker, and many other fantastic individuals!

Okay, so this might not exactly be a highlight of the convention itself, but it was quite funny (least for me). As I’ve mentioned more than a few times, I used to work at a music shop. Needless to say, you become familiar with brand names, especially if you spend a good chunk of time working on displays (yay, merchandising). I was more than a little surprised to see Vic Firth salt and pepper grinders in the restaurant downstairs, Vic Firth Gourmet (wonder if they have anything featuring Neil Peart). Thought former coworkers and musicians would get a kick out of that, I know I did.

Sailor Moon

So… I’ve made it no secret that I’m not a fan of Sailor Moon. I know, I know… “How could you not like Sailor Moon?!”… It just wasn’t the show for me growing up (didn’t know I liked anime until I found Ghost in the Shell), but I can see why it’s popular though. Despite my not being a fan, I was still pretty excited to be at a convention with Linda Ballantyne (Sailor Moon), Susan Roman (Sailor Jupiter), & John Stocker (Voice Director). I even got to participate in a couple of panels with them (along with Alexis & Stephanie). It was interesting to hear the differences in vocal styles, techniques, etc (according to them, they do things a bit different in Canada). Plus, Linda and I geeked out about Black Butler. That was cool.


Along with my love of cosplay, I’ve had a deep sadness related to it (yes, I’m being overdramatic)… I’m fully aware that this might come off as egotistical, but I have never seen someone cosplay as one of my characters. Thing is, I see photos of peeps all the time as Virgo in Fairy Tail, Alice in Ōkami-san & Her Seven Companions, and a few others. I’ve just never seen any of this at conventions that I’ve attended.


Me: “Are you Virgo?

Cosplayer: “I’m actually an Aries, but I’m cosplaying Virgo.

Me: “I’m an Aries too and I actually voice Virgo!

Success! Sweet, sweet victory! A mere two hours after my little post, I spotted a Virgo in the Dealers Room! I probably scared her when I ran up to her, but I just so excited (wonder if she follows me on Twitter). She was adorable and we both geeked out about Fairy Tail. I have no regrets about pestering her for a photo!

The dealers room was full of temptation: posters, action figures, geektastic shirts (got a Batman shirt), and much much more. Shortly after my Virgo encounter, I found RIN: Daughters of Mnemosyne playing cards… Not familiar with RIN? It’s just this awesome anime that me and my amigo, J. Michael Tatum, directed. As much as I love this show, any time I see merchandise for it I’m baffled. For those that don’t know, RIN: Daughters of Mnemosyne is about an immortal detective that tends to attract disaster and scandal (that is the best way to describe it for the time being). Totally the kind of show you need playing cards for (seriously, I regret not buying them).

I’m gonna admit this right now, I don’t remember the details exactly so forgive me if I get some of the facts wrong. During one of my autograph sessions, I met a fan of That Anime Show (always love meeting a podcast fan). This particular TAS listener let me know how much he loved the show and how much it meant to him. While he was stationed elsewhere, he used podcast episodes to stay connected to the world he knew back home. He said it helped when times were tough. The way he put it was more eloquent and it actually brought tears to my eyes. When he asked me to sign his iPod, I had to hide my face (FYI: I rarely have a cry like that). I never thought my lil’ podcast would be so important to someone and I am deeply touched.

You’ve never experienced the DJ skills of Mr. Greg Ayres? YOU ARE MISSING OUT! Seriously. Not just saying this because he’s a friend of mine. This guy is the real deal, not any ol’ schmuck armed with an iTunes playlist and crap-tastic speakers (better known as a Laptop DJ). Greg and I have done a few conventions together, so I’ve had the pleasure of going to a few of his dances. Alexis & I danced on stage for a bit, then we joined the crowd. After about 45 minutes, we admitted we were old and joined Mike McFarland at the bar.

Shout out to Courtney, Kelbie, Caleb, Kara, & Jason! These lovely folks joined me for a beverage (or three) on Sunday night and I didn’t bore them to tears! Win! SO MUCH FUN!

What else happened, Terri?

I don’t know… I’m sleepy.


Filed under Conventions, Cosplay, Random, VOtally

SaikouCon 2013 Highlights

Another convention? So soon?

Tis true, good people of the internet.

Last weekend, I went to Breinigsville, Pennsylvania for the first year of SaikouCon! Guests included: Darrel Guilbeau, Jād Saxton, Jessie Pridemore, Greg Houser, Bill Rogers, The D20 Girls, The Slants, and many more!

Big Windup! Beanie

Big Windup! Beanie

I brought Eyes of Lightning bookmarks & Deadman Wonderland cards for autographs (’cause, as previously stated, I’m a shameless promoter). While I was signing stuff, an adorable attendee by the name of Amanda gave me a Nishiura beanie she knitted herself (Big Windup! for the win!). I don’t think I’ve ever gotten something for Windup (the first anime I ever directed). Of course, I majorly geeked out over it. How incredibly thoughtful is that?

Jad and I

Selfie with Saxton during karaoke

SaikouCon was the premiere of That Terrible 21 & Up Panel. What does such a panel entail? Talking about anything and everything (within reason). I was hoping for drinks to be involved, but the hotel wasn’t really a fan of that idea. Jād joined me (willingly, can you believe it?) and I took the opportunity to get to know her better. Though she and I have worked at the same studio for years, we’ve only recently started chatting and hanging out (check out her appearance on That Anime Show here). We allowed no recording or photos, so I’ll leave what we talked about up to your imagination.

I love comparing notes with others in the VO industry, especially if they work at different studios. Got to do a Voice Acting panel with Jād & Darrel Guilbeau (who is all around amazing). We talked about some of our favorites (roles, scenes, stories, etc), the audition process, staying positive, and a whole slew of other things.

Along with an interview, I also participated in a Lip Dub of “I Love Rock N Roll” by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts with We Rise Mag. You know, ’cause there needed to be more evidence of me being a goofball (“Your honor, I present Exhibit ZZZ!”).

There was some phenomenal cosplay at SaikouCon! I joined Jessie Pridemore, cosplayer/photographer, and one of the D20 Girls in judging a Cosplay Contest. The first place winner actually cried when she won for her take on Franken Stein from Soul Eater, which surprised all of us (in a good way). It was apparently one of her first costumes and she didn’t think she’d get recognition for her efforts… She was wrong. 

Artwork by Steve Yurko

Artwork by Steve Yurko

Since That Anime Show’s humble beginnings (can’t believe its almost been four years), I’ve had the fortune of knowing the guys from The Unofficial One Piece Podcast, namely Zach and Steve. Though I consider them friends, I rarely get to see them in person. SaikouCon allowed me to spend time with Steve Yurko, artist extraordinaire/fellow podcaster. I had a blast & enjoyed getting to know him better.


She’s so photogenic!

As Darrel, Jessie, and myself got to the airport, we noticed there was a a huge event happening. Funny how so many people flooded the surrounding area, while those flying that day had the best view of an airshow that was going on. Jessie & several other photographers (i.e. people that take photos with something called a camera, not a smartphone) took advantage of the situation. The flying spectacle totally made up for the hour and a half flight delay (yay, optimism).

Big thanks to SaikouCon’s big cheese, Mike Meade! You’re a rockstar!

Time for AnimeFest!

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Filed under Conventions, Cosplay, Random, VOtally

Clint Howard is Awesome

Clint Howard is Awesome

I’ll be leaving for SaikouCon (hope to meet some of you!) on Thursday so I won’t have time to blog this week.

Please enjoy this photo of me and Clint Howard.

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08/19/2013 · 8:58 am

That’s My Queue

After years of compromises, phone calls, letters, and numerous other frustrations… 

I broke up with my cable company.

Buying a PS3 definitely influenced my decision. Alternating between regular cable and Netflix didn’t last long. Netflix spoiled and won me over quickly.

The cable company? They call now and again, begging me to take them back (they do not handle rejection well), but I’ve moved on. Hopefully they’ll find a way to let go and find someone else to overcharge.

Do I miss watching things when they originally air? Sure. I even gave Hulu Plus a shot. Cancelled after the trial week because I still would’ve been paying for advertisements interrupting my shows and movies.

No, this isn’t a Netflix sponsored post. Programming that I’ve never had the chance to watch being readily available is just… neat.

Currently watching:

Orange is the New Black (from the creator of Weeds) is my new obsession! I was hesitant to watch it at first because of Netflix’s so-so revival of Arrested Development. Orange is the New Black is based off a book by the same name, but there are some differences here and there (TV does tend to take liberties). The series is just full of win. OITNB isn’t for everybody, but anyone remotely interested in checking it out should do so immediately. It centers around one particular character (Piper), but I consider this to be an ensemble show (in many episodes, the supporting characters steal the scenes). The writing is refreshing and often hilarious. Go watch it… NOW!

Breaking Bad is a show that I’ve been hounded over for years. “OH MY GOD, TERRI, YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!“… Telling me I have to watch something is a sure-fire way to get me to do to the exact opposite. I’ve seen several shows in the past based off recommendations and I’m rarely impressed. I’ll eventually break down if friends press me, but I proceed with caution and prepare for disappointment. Now that I’ve gotten into the show, I feel like an idiot for not starting it sooner. Congratulations, friends! Your persistence has paid off. I officially love this show.

Next on the Queue:

Yes, I realize I might be losing major cool points for not having seen Battlestar Galactica yet. I tend not to watch too many shows at the same time. BG looks like one of those shows that I’d get obsessed with quickly (possibly anyway) and I don’t want to be watching several shows and BG when I finally get to it. No, I’m not familiar with the original series (though my husband is and will probably annoy me with trivial differences when we watch it). Not 100% sure that I’ll like this show, but I can’t really say why. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

An ex’s mother was full on obsessed with The West Wing. How do I know? Because she never shut up about it, always interrupting conversations to annoy the masses with little factoids about it (ex. “Did you know Eugene Levy was at one time considered to play Toby Ziegler?!”). Dumb excuse not watch a show? Maybe. Now that I’ve gotten into Newsroom, I’ve been told that I should give West Wing a chance.

Attempted to Watch:

BonesI tried… I really, REALLY tried to watch Bones. Fan of David Boreanaz? As a Whedon fan, I’m required to say yes. Fan of Emily Deschanel? Uh… Maybe? Fan of procedurals? No. No. NO. KILL THEM WITH FIRE! Though I’ve been told that it steers away from the normal procedural shtick eventually, something tells me it wouldn’t necessarily get better for me. If I don’t like it now, why waste time hoping things will turn around? Unless I have trouble sleeping (fell asleep twice while watching Bones), I don’t see myself revisiting this series.

sunnyI’d seen the occasional clip and was convinced that this was a show I would enjoy. After watching a few full episodes, there’s something about It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia that didn’t sit right with me. I chuckled and smirked at all the appropriate (or inappropriate) one-liners, gags, & storylines, but it really wasn’t funny. Being offensive and doing things simply for shock value just doesn’t work for me.

Stay tuned.

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